Suzanne Perry is
having a vivid nightmare. Someone is in her bedroom, touching her, and
she can t move a muscle. She wakes, relieved to put the nightmare behind
her, but when she opens the curtains, she sees a polaroid stuck to the
window. A photo of her, sleeping, taken during the night. And
underneath, the words: I m watching over you.
Her nightmare isn't
over. In fact, it s just beginning. Detective Inspector Phil Brennan of
the Major Incident Squad has a killer to hunt. A killer who stalks
young women, insinuates himself into their lives, and ultimately
tortures and murders them in the most shocking way possible.
the more Phil investigates, the more he delves into the twisted
psychology of his quarry, Phil realizes that it isn't just a serial
killer he s hunting but something or someone infinitely more calculating
and horrific. And much closer to home than he realized . .
Another book that has appeared on my bookshelves from an unknown location, although I suspect it was from my Mother in law as she is a fan of crime thrillers.
If you like Mark Billingham then you will like this because it is just so like his books or hate it because it is just too like his books! The style of writing, plot layout, even the characters are almost identical to the Tom Thorne series by Mark Billingham. I am not sure who wrote them first but it was quite unnerving how alike they are.
It was a good crime thriller story with the right amount of characters and the right amount of plot twists to keep you reading through quite smoothly. Some plot twists were very obvious (but perhaps that is because I have read all of Billinghams books so knew what to expect!) and others were a bit of a surprise. What let the story down were a couple of happenings that were just not believable. I can't be more specific or it will be a major spoiler, but I could not believe that certain things would happen in any police force in the UK, no matter how inept you think they are at times.
This book was actually the 2nd in the Marina Esposito series and having not read the first book (I didn't know it was the 2nd until I updated my status on Goodreads) I wondered whether I would be able to follow the characters. I could, because they were simply not that complicated and Marina actually played a very minor role in this book. If I had the first book I would have read it first and I may even try and get it and read it now, despite any criticisms in this review.
The story on it's own would get a 3 star rating from me but I have had to downgrade to 2 stars because of the large number of typos in the book. So many, that I double checked whether I had a proof copy but, sadly, no. There is no excuse, in my opinion, for any typos never mind this number. The author needs to have a serious discussion with her editor, proof readers and whoever else it takes to resolve this. Perhaps I am being picky as it did not change my enjoyment of the story but it is just something that really annoys me.
If you want a simple, British based crime thriller that reads very quickly then get this book. It is not going to change your life but it will give you some enjoyment for a couple of days or lying on a beach.