
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

High society by Ben Elton

book cover of   High Society   by  Ben Elton

The war on drugs has been lost. The simple fact is that the whole world is rapidly becoming one vast criminal network. From pop stars and royal princes to crack whores and street kids, from the Groucho Club toilets to the poppy fields of Afghanistan, we are all partners in crime.

High Society is a story about Britain today, a criminal nation in which everybody is either breaking the law or knows people who do. It takes the reader on a hilarious, heartbreaking and terrifying journey through the kaleidoscope world that the law has created and from which the law offers no protection.

I always like Ben Elton's writing style and comedic take on quite serious matters. I am the polar opposite to him in political views but still can appreciate his viewpoints and funny stories.
This is not his best book but an easy, funny read that raises some interesting political points while also ridiculing politicians and other members of British society.
Give him a try as an author if you haven't already tried him, you may be pleasantly surprised.

My favourite of his is Blind Faith which is his comedy take on 1984 except it is the polar opposite where everything is public. This is a good one to start with for this author especially if you have read 1984 (and who hasn't) and was laugh out loud for me.

1 comment:

  1. I have blind faith on my tbr but not this one, will keep a wee eye out for it. Great review

