
Friday, April 12, 2019

Comfort Zone Challenge 1 - Marlene


“Life begins outside your comfort zone.” A quote I’ve heard through the years. If we always do what we know ... we don’t learn/grow. This premise is at the heart of coaching and I regularly challenge/encourage my clients to push the edges of their comfort zone - giving them greater capacity and confidence in life. So when Hazel suggested that we challenge one another to do something uncomfortable ... how could I, in good conscience, say anything other than ... yes?!

Trusting the other person I would say is key in this type of exercise. Someone who has your best interests at heart and has an idea of what stops you in life. 

I admit I was a little nervous to find out what my comfort zone challenge was ... so in retrospect... even agreeing to this type of thing was outside my CZ! It was also a bit challenging to come up with something ... trying to find something meaningful but with a sufficient gradient to make it worthwhile.

I was challenged by Hazel to attend a jiu jitsu class that I had never attended before. I had been avoiding trying it even though I had been invited by instructors, friends and even my husband who is a devotee and attends regularly. My “reason” was not wanting to risk injury but upon closer inspection I would say it was partly that and partly not wanting to “look bad.” Things like borrowing a gi, looking stupid and being a beginner were all outside what was comfortable. 

This was interesting to me because until I was challenged to do it ... I didn’t realize how much of my resistance was based around fear of looking bad. I was just generally avoiding it and going about my business. 

One surprising outcome of doing this was how HAPPY it seemed to make my husband. He had our picture taken in our gi’s and promptly printed and displayed it. I had no idea to expect that although Hazel said that actually played a role in her selecting my challenge.

Synopsis: Do this with a friend who is committed to growth and who knows you well. Pick something that would stretch them ... but not break them. Baby steps - outside one’s the comfort zone - can yield BIG results. We will likely try this again and perhaps up the gradient! 

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