
Monday, April 8, 2019

Comfort Zone Challenge

We both just turned 48 and have been having many discussions about keeping active and alert as we age.   Physically we know what to do and we exercise fairly regularly but how do we exercise our mind.  I use some apps on my phone for that purpose. Lumosity is one that I find fun but we wanted to take it to the next level.

This article inspired us.

It basically says that research suggests that moving out of your comfort zone is the key to staying mentally and physically young.

What it has inspired us to do is to set each other challenges that take us outside our comfort zone.  Everyone has a different comfort zone and that is no different for myself and Marlene.  For example, I don't mind heights and extreme activities while Marlene is much less keen on them.  She is a naturally friendly, outgoing person who does not mind talking to strangers, while I go out my way to avoid speaking to people.

We know each other pretty well so it should be easy to challenge each other in a friendly way.  We will share our challenges on this blog over the next few weeks, so watch this space for some fun and reflections.

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